lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

La Carretera

En este video, lo que hice fue tomar la canción "En la Ciudad de la Furia" de Soda Stereo y después tomé uno de los temas que se desarrolla en la película "La carretera".
El tema que elegí es el "antes y después de una catástrofe causada por el hombre". Entonces, elegí una variedad de fotos que tengan que ver con este tema y las use para re-significar la canción que también elegí.
Lo que hice al principio, fue buscar imágenes de paisajes naturales intactos, ciudades activas, familias felices, imágenes de padre e hijo disfrutando de la vida y las puse al principio del video (esto sería el "Antes de la catástrofe") y luego, busqué imágenes de ciudades destruidas, paisajes devastados y dos imágenes del padre y el hijo en el medio del mundo devastado en la película (esto sería el "después de la catástrofe"). Por último, entre medio de estas dos secciones, puse imágenes del estallido de una bomba nuclear o de aviones lanzando misiles.
En conclusión, elegí esta canción porque su significado real no es nada que ver a la re-significación que yo le dí, aunque la letra parezca combinarse muy bien con las imágenes que use.

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Michael Furchert's Uncle

Michael Furchert's Uncle

Before the Berlin Wall:

Before the Berlin wall was built, our family was very united. We looked for any excuse to do a meeting and so every member of the family could see each other. My brother was a pastor, so we were all Catholics and we all believed in God. We were acostumed to pray every day thanking for all the goods we had. That´s the reason why we were a very strong family and even the Berlin wall couldn´t separate us for ever.

During the Berlin Wall:

When the Berlin wall was built our family was separated between the East Communist Berlin and the West Capitalist Berlin. I and my parents were in the West Capitalist Berlin, but my brother Michael was on the other and we could not see each other. Apart from that, my parents were going to celebrate their 60th anniversary and Michael and his wife were not going to be present. But once, i got to know that he was trying to get some passports so as to be present on this anniversary. Finally, he could pass through the wall, but he could only stayed 10 days because Michael didn´t want to leave the Churche alone. We enjoyed that ten days as if they were our last days.

After the Berlin Wall:

Now, we are all together again. We returned to the rutine we used to do before the Berlin Wall was built; we see each other at least once a week, we pray to God thanking him that he could do imossible things changing it to possible. I´m also grateful to the official who let Michael and his family cross to the west side. Furthermore, I think that thanks God we are all together again.